Standard Error from Confidence Interval for Differences of Means

Calculates the standard error from the confidence interval limits for differences of means (and can also be used for the confidence intervals of standardized mean differences, SMD).
This method is valid only when the confidence interval is symmetrical around the mean and is applicable for t-distributions or normal distributions (as specified by the t_dist argument).
For sample sizes less than 60, it is generally recommended to use the t-distribution.

Lover OR confidence interval limit

Upper OR confidence interval limit

Sample size group 1 (not required if t_dist = FALSE)

Sample size group 2 (not required if t_dist = FALSE)

The significance level

Whether the two-tailed or one-tailed statistics should be calculated

Whether the t-distribution should be calculated - requires samples sizes

Within Study Result



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Robert Emprechtinger

State of Health

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3553 Schiltern


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